
All the companies affiliated to the Chilean Direct Selling Association are committed to ensuring the faithful compliance with the Code of Ethics that governs them. For such purpose, they have appointed an independent person to act as their arbitrator (ex aequo et bono) to receive, investigate and resolve disputes that may arise in connection with the relations between member companies or between them and their independent sellers or between such independent sellers and the consumers.

To make an inquiry or submit any claim that requires the intervention of the Administrator of the Code of Ethics, please go to the contact section of the Chilean DSA web page and send the corresponding message, including all the necessary background information. The claim will be answered as soon as possible, and any action that the consultation and/or claim require shall be free of cost.

Administrador del Código de Ética:
Gerardo Troitiño
Miraflores 222, piso 28,
Santiago de Chile
+56 2 2928 2232


Code of Ethics’ Administrator:

Gerardo Troitiño
Miraflores 222, floor 28,
Santiago of Chile
+56 2 2928 2232